rbenv and local gems

Rbenv just felt more natural to me. I removed RVM from my system and installed rbenv. I'm not going in the discussion which one is better and why. You can read a good blogpost about the differences and/or similarities here.

Author's profile picture Geert Theys on ruby, rails, and howto

Personal improvements 2014: Pickup old and startup new habits

Like everybody I want to start to set myself some goals for 2014. The last 2 years consisted of a lof of soul searching. Nearing fourty means that you start to look backwards and forward.

Author's profile picture Geert Theys on personal

Welcome to Jekyll!

You'll find this post in your _posts directory - edit this post and re-build (or run with the -w switch) to see your changes! To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts directory that follows the convention: YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext.

Author's profile picture Geert Theys on Thriller, Comedy, and Horror

Jurgen Appelo's obsession with networks: Agile Lean Network

Not an new alliance, consortium or institute. But a flourishing network. Jurgen talks a lot about networks in his presentations and book. He has started a call to action to create one.

Author's profile picture Geert Theys on agile

Practice what you preach

I am a false prophet! God is a superstition! I am a false prophet! God is a superstition! I am a false prophet! God is a superstition! Eli Sunday in "There will be blood"

Author's profile picture Geert Theys on agile