Personal improvements 2014: Pickup old and startup new habits
Like everybody I want to start to set myself some goals for 2014. The last 2 years consisted of a lof of soul searching. Nearing fourty means that you start to look backwards and forward.
I have only 1 goal for 2014 and that implement some good habbit's.
Reading habit
I used to be an avid reader I read fiction and non fiction. Just about everything I can lay my hands on. Somewhere in my life I stopped doing this.
I'm going to stop to take my laptop to bed and start reading books again before I go to sleep. I already started in a new book: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. You can follow my progress on this habit via Goodreads
Exercise habit
I love Thai boxing. I have a gym at 1 km from my door. If I feel like it or not I'm going!
Write and publish content
I have had a lot of half assed attempts to write more. I started the habbit to write down on a daily basis whatever I can think of. But the most important is to publish!
I will start publishing 1 post per week on this blog.
Write more code
I have 10 years of experience as developer and several years as an manager. For a few years I haven't written a single line of code. I'm finalizing a rails app that will get launched in February 2014 as proof of concept in the healthcare.
I have some other ideas on new projects which I will pick up after this one. To feed my writing habit I will blog about several technical topics I meet on my way.